Why Does My Cat Meow When I’m in the Shower?

Discover the reasons behind your cat's meowing when you're in the shower and learn practical tips to address this common behavior.

Why Do cats Meow When Your in the Shower!!!

Hey cat parents! Ever wondered why youre furry friend goes absolutely bonkers when your taking a shower. Its one of those weird cat things that make us scratch are heads and wonder what exactly is going on in there little minds! Lets dive into all the reasons why cats get so wierd about shower time,


Cats are these amazing creatures who do the most puzzeling things sometimes. One thing that really gets cat parents confused is when there cats start meowing like crazy during shower time! Even tho it seems super strange theres actually some intresting reasons behind this behavior. Understanding why you’re kitty does this will help you be a better cat parent and maybe even make shower time less dramatic!!!

Reasons Why Cats Meow During Shower Time;

  1. They Want You’re Attention!

Lets be real cats are total attention seekers right. When your in the shower you cant give them pets or treats or play with them, and some cats just cant handle being ignored! There like “hey hooman why are you in that wet box and not paying attention to me!!!” The meowing is basically they’re way of saying dont forget about me.

  1. There Super Curious About Everything

You know how cats are always getting into stuff? Well the bathroom is like this magical place full of weird sounds and smells. The sound of running water the steam and all the echos make them super intrested! Sometimes they meow because there trying to figure out what in the world your doing in there.

  1. Scent Marking and Teritory Stuff:

Did you know that cats are really big on smells. When your in the shower washing away you’re normal scent it makes them feel weird? Its like “oh no my human doesnt smell like my human anymore!!!” So they meow to be like hey remember this is my territory!!!

What To Do When You’re Cat Acts Crazy During Shower Time?

  • Try giving them some toys to play with before you get in the shower (this might keep them busy)
  • Maybe dont close the door all the way if your cat gets really anxious about it
  • Put some treats or they’re favorite toy outside the bathroom to distract them
  • Remember that its totally normal behavior even if it seems super annoying!!!

Signs That You’re Cat Might Be Stressed About Shower Time:

• Meowing super loud and dramatically (like there dying or something lol)
• Scratching at the door like theres no tomorrow
• Acting all weird and running around the house
• Not wanting to eat there food after your done showering

Why Do Some Cats Hate The Bathroom.

The bathroom can be pretty scary for cats! Think about it – its got all these weird surfaces that are slippery theres loud noises from the water and sometimes it even gets all steamy and foggy in there. Plus cats arent usually big fans of water anyway (except for those wierd cats who actually like it)!!!

Quick Tips for Cat Parents;

1) If you’re cat seems really stressed about shower time try giving them extra attention before and after
2) Some cats might need special toys or treats to help them deal with separation anxiety
3) Dont punish them for meowing – there just trying to communicate with you
4) Maybe try showering at a different time of day if it interferes with they’re routine

Common Questions Cat Parents Ask!!!

Q: Why does my cat bite me when I get out of the shower.
A: Its probably because you smell different and there trying to put there scent back on you! Also maybe there mad that you ignored them for so long!!!

Q: My cat crys when they cant see me is that normal
A: Totally normal! Cats get really attached to there humans and some of them just hate being separated even for a few minutes!!!

Q: Why do cats wait outside the shower?
A: Because there loyal and love you (even if they act like they dont sometimes)! Plus there probably making sure your ok in there!!!


So next time you’re cat starts acting all dramatic when your trying to take a shower remember that its just because they care about you! Even tho it can be super annoying try to be patient with you’re furry friend – there just doing what cats do best being weird and lovable at the same time!!!

Remember that every cat is different and what works for one might not work for another. The most important thing is to stay patient and understanding with you’re little furball. After all there just trying to show you how much they care (even if they pick the most inconvenient times to do it)!!!

Quick Reminder for Cat Parents:

  • Dont get mad at them for meowing – its just how they communicate
  • Try to stick to a routine if possible
  • Give lots of love and attention when your done showering
  • Remember that this behavior is totally normal even if it seems crazy!!!

And thats everything you need to know about why cats get so weird during shower time! Keep being awesome cat parents and remember that all these little quirks are what make are furry friends so special!!!

P.S. If your cat seems really really stressed about shower time maybe talk to you’re vet about it. They might have some good ideas to help make it easier for everyone!!!

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