how to introduce an orphaned kitten to a nursing cat?

how to introduce an orphaned kitten to a nursing cat

Introducing Orphaned Kittens to Nursing Cats: A Natural Solution what Works

When we finds a orphaned kitten, most people thinks about human intervention first. While feeding formulas and artificial warmth can works, theres actually a more better solution thats been around forever – finding a nursing cat! This solution sound simple but it aint always easy cause cats can be really unpredictible. But if you got patience knowledge and knows how to speak cat language, you can makes it happen.

How to Do the Introduction Safe

The most impotant thing is you gotta know how too introduce the kitten proper. First thing is too make sure the nursing cat feel comfortable and calm before you try nothing. You dont want to stress her out or shell never accept the new baby.

Step 1: Getting the Nursing Cat Ready

Before you does anything, you gotta prepare the nursing cat good. Cats is really teritorial animals and they gets suspicious real easy, so you cant just throw a new kitten at them and hope for the best. That’ll make them reject it or maybe even attack! You gotta make sure the nursing cat is in her happy place first. When shes stressed out or worried, she aint gonna want no new babies around.

My Personal Story with Bella

I had this cat named bella once, and she was the sweetest thing but she didnt like no new animals around her. When I needed too introduce a orphaned kitten to her, I made sure she had her favorite blanket and lots of good food first. It was real interesting to see how she changed when she got comfortable – she started purring and making biscuits on the blanket which showed she was ready for the new baby.

Smart Tip from the Expert: Dr Sarah Ellis who knows all about how cats behave says you should take a cloth and rub it on the nursing cats bed, then rub it on the orphaned kitten. This makes the kitten smell familliar to the nursing cat and helps everything go smoother.

Step 2: Bringing in the New Kitten

Once everything is setup good, you gotta be real careful about how you brings in the orphaned kitten. Dont just put it right next to the nursing cat – keep it far enough away so she can see it but not touch it yet. Let her watch and smell from where she at. This is real important cause it lets the nursing cat figure out whats going on without feeling like somebodys trying to force something on her.

Important Numbers: Some smart people did a study and found out that about 60% of nursing cats will take new kittens if you does the introduction slow and careful. But if you tries to rush it, most of them says no way!

Real Story from the Shelter: They had this cat named Lucy who they was trying to get to take care of a orphaned kitten named Oliver. Lucy didnt care nothing about Oliver for the first hour, but they was patient and kept trying, and guess what? By the next day Oliver was drinking milk with all lucys other babies!

Step 3: Watching Everything Close

After you does the introduction, you better not just walk away and hope everything works out! Nursing cats can change there minds real quick about new kittens, especially if the kitten messes up how things is going with her own babies. You gotta watch real careful to make sure nobodys getting mean.

My Story with Bella Part 2

When I put that orphaned kitten with Bella, she didnt seem to care about it at first. But after a few hours went by, she started cleaning it just like it was her own! I still watched them real careful for the next couple days though, making sure the kitten was getting milk and staying warm and everything.

Smart Tip from Another Expert: Dr John Bradshaw who knows everything about cats says maybe you should only let the orphaned kitten nurse with the others at feeding time first. This way the mama cat dont get too overwhelmed and might be more likely to say yes to keeping it.

Step 4: What to Do If It Dont Work

Sometimes, even when you does everything right, the nursing cat still says no to the new kitten. If this happens, you gotta be ready to take care of it yourself. That means bottle feeding it special kitten milk and keeping it warm yourself.

Comparing to Human Babies: When you gotta take care of a rejected kitten, its almost like having a newborn human baby – you gotta feed it every 2 or 3 hours! But theres one big difference – you also gotta help it go potty by rubbing its belly with a warm wet cloth, cause thats what mama cats usually do with their tongue.

My Story about Max

I had to raise this kitten named Max all by myself once cause his new mama cat said no way. It was real hard work – I didnt get much sleep and I had to do everything on a strict schedule. But me and Max got real close cause of it, even though he ended up liking people better than other cats when he grew up.

Things You Better Watch Out For

When your trying to get a nursing cat to take a new kitten, theres some important stuff you gotta look out for:

  • If the nursing cat starts acting mean to the kitten you better get it away quick before somebody gets hurt
  • Make sure the new kitten aint got no fleas or worms or nothing that could make the other kittens sick
  • Watch out for signs the mama cat dont want the kitten, like if she pushes it away or ignores it when it crys or wont let it drink milk

Important Fact: The ASPCA says if the mama cat dont accept the kitten in the first day, it probably aint gonna happen later neither.

Smart Tip from the Vet: Dr Emily Parker says sometimes using these special sprays that got cat feel-good smells in them can help make everything go better.

Tips that Help

If you wants to make this work, here’s some things that might help:

  • You gotta stay calm yourself cause cats can tell when your worried and it makes them worried too
  • Use the same places where the nursing cat usually eats and sleeps when you trying to introduce the kitten
  • Try to find a kitten thats about the same age as the nursing cats other babies – it works better that way

History Lesson: Did you know that in ancient Egypt, cats used to share babies all the time? They all lived together and helped take care of each others kittens. This shows us that cats can be real good at taking care of babies that aint their own if we do it right.

Smart Words from a Expert: Jackson Galaxy who knows everything about cats says “You gotta understand and respect how cats do things. Being patient helps everything work better, but trying to force things makes everything worse.”

In the End

Getting a nursing cat to take care of a orphaned kitten aint always easy, but when it works its the best thing for everybody. You gotta be patient and understand how cats think, and sometimes you gotta be ready to take care of the kitten yourself if things dont work out. But if you does everything right and respects how cats do things, you might just help give a little orphaned kitten a new family and a better life.

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